Sunday, November 16, 2008


Who discovered  Amoeba proteus?
Roesel Von Rosenhof discovered Amoeba proteus in the year 1755.

Classification of amoeba:
Order ------------Amoebida

Why is amoeba called immortal?
Amoeba is immortal as it does not face natural death. One amoeba divides into two and the cell contents are equally distributed and nothing dies in this process.

Which species of amoeba is the largest?
Pelomyxa is the largest amoeba found mainly in the bottom of pond embedded in mud and detritus.It engulfs its food , mainly they are herbivorous and reproduces by the method of plasmotomy. Only small pseudopodia  erupt from its body and never become large. They are the most primitive eukaryotic organism found today.

What is mouth amoeba?
Entamoeba gingivalis is commonly called mouth amoeba.It lives in between teeth and is associated with mouth diseases like gingivitis and it is said to aggravate pyorrhoea. It forms many pseudopodia and moves actively. But it does not form cysts. So it is transmitted from one person to other by kissing, sharing of tooth brushes or while eating or drinking together. 

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